The Volkswagen Group wants to achieve net carbon neutrality
The Volkswagen Group is committed to the Paris Agreement and aligns its own activities with the 1.5 degree goal. We aim to achieve net carbon neutrality by 2050. The intermediate target: To reduce the carbon footprint per kilometer traveled during the use phase of our passenger cars and light commercial vehicles by 30% by 2030 (compared to 2018).
A further goal is for global production sites to achieve net carbon neutrality by 2040 – ten years earlier than originally planned. To this end, greenhouse gas emissions are due to be reduced by 90% by 2040 compared to 2018, among other measures. In order to achieve this, the Volkswagen Group wants to change its energy supply, for example, and increase energy efficiency. The objective is to be procuring 100% of external electricity from carbon-neutral sources at all sites by 2030. The external electricity supply at our European sites is already 100% from renewable sources.
Our specific objective in the context of the “Zero Impact Factory” initiative is to gradually reduce the absolute negative environmental impacts of our production sites for passenger cars, light commercial vehicles and components by 37.5% by 2030, by 68.8% by 2040, and ultimately towards achieving net neutrality by 2050, all compared to 2018 levels. In the comparative period from 2010 to 2024, CO2 emissions and energy consumption per vehicle produced were reduced by 62.8% and 21.5%, respectively. Furthermore, per vehicle, water consumption has been reduced by 27.1%, waste by 79.4% and VOC emissions by 67.5%.